Coaching helps clients find meaningful connections to their inner self that improves the ability to connect with others in personal and professional settings.



Coaching helps clients reach specific personal or professional goals, overcome obstacles, cope with life transitions and gain knowledge about a specific psychological areas of study.


Coaching is for personal and leadership development and is distinct from therapy. In therapy, a client may work to reduce problematic symptoms, however, in coaching, the client identifies positive goals for learning and growth for the coach to help facilitate.


CCH coaches are all highly educated experts in their respective fields of study and the work they do is based in the tenets of Jungian depth psychology and typology.

Each coach holds multiple degrees and certifications in the areas they coach, is a published author, has led national trainings, presented at national and international conferences, and holds professional positions, such as boards of directors, university professorships, or organizational leadership positions.


Our coaches provide one-on-one coaching sessions as well as periodic group trainings. People in helping professions, organizational leaders, and those looking to deepen their understanding of coaching look to us for guidance, fresh insights, and individualized feedback to support their progress towards their personal and professional goals.

Coaches work with clients to identify further opportunities for professional development and advancement such as contributing to conferences, journals, publications, and workshops, among many other forms and formats.

CCH Coaching and Consultation is available for individuals looking to progress in their personal or professional endeavors as well as those who are looking to further teach and coach others within these same topics. Coaching services can help such professionals identify ways to integrate these topics into their professional skills and offerings.

Visit our Team page to learn more about our coaches.



Jungian coaching is particularly effective for individuals who are seeking deep personal growth. Such coaching lays the seedbed for symbolic thinking, Shadow work, Active Imagination, Dream Analysis, and Archetypal Analysis. This work is central to the Jungian process and individuation.

Depth psychology coaching works to help people become more conscious of the archetypes present in their life and how to redress any issues arising from this archetypal landscape. This includes becoming aware of the archetypes that each person may more readily identify with as well as the archetypes that are active in different situations.

People who may benefit from Jungian and depth psychology coaching include people such as these:


Individuals going through significant life transitions, such as divorce, retirement, or loss, seeking to understand and navigate these changes more effectively.


Those interested in the process of individuation, which is the integration of the conscious and unconscious parts of the psyche to become a whole, authentic self.



Executives and leaders who want to develop a deeper understanding of their leadership style and improve their emotional intelligence.


Professionals undergoing career changes who seek to align their work with their deeper values and purpose.

Creative Individuals, Artists and Writers

Creative individuals looking to tap into their unconscious mind for inspiration and to overcome creative blocks.

origami flower


Those in creative fields who want to explore new ideas and perspectives through the lens of Jungian archetypes and symbols. 


many faces

Typology Coaching provides an initial assessment and ongoing guidance to help people discover and develop their understanding of their own type preferences as well as how they work best with the type preferences of other people.

Gaining a deeper understanding of how one works typologically helps bring awareness of one’s strengths and struggles. This awareness facilitates better working teams, home environments, relationships, communication skills, conflict resolution, group dynamics, leadership, teaching/ learning outcomes, mentorship, audience attunement, message crafting, and much more.

The process of typology coaching begins with an assessment for type, either MBTI or Majors PTI. The results are discussed in session and the implications integrated into the coaching plan and client goals.

In typology, the client is the one who finally determines what their type is, as they are the only ones who understand how they are making decisions and experiencing the world. The coach provides the knowledge, explanations, and reference material to empower the client to make their own determination. Coaches will make suggestions from their expertise as to where the client may want to explore.