Your safety is important to us.


CCH is Reopening for Limited In-Person Sessions

For the time being, telehealth remains the usual mode of sessions. As we continue telehealth, we are adding an In-Person Session option—for people who meet the criteria and wish to follow the protocols. 

The Center for Change & Healing is following the State of Illinois Stages for Reopening. Burr Ridge is in Stage 3 and preparing for Stage 4. We also are monitoring the opening of schools in the area, which are reopening in limited capacity for summer school. If there is a spike in Covid-19 cases, the local township will be moved back to Stage 2, or if other concerns to public health arise, In-Person Sessions may again be discontinued, resuming all telehealth sessions.

You must fill out the In-Person Session Consent Form and follow the Protocols and Procedures outlined below.

In-Person Session Protocols and Procedures

1 week advanced notice:

  • If you wish to schedule an in-person session, you will need to notify your clinician a week in advance. This is due to scheduling office time and monitoring the number of people at the office at one time.
  • If you develop any of the symptoms outlined in this letter or no longer meet the in-person criteria for any reason, you need to inform your clinician immediately and switch to a telehealth session for the appropriate length of time.
  • Switching from in-person to telehealth does not require advance notice when it due to the appearance of symptoms or change in circumstances which leads to no longer meeting in-person criteria (i.e. You discover someone you have had contact with has tested positive for Covid-19 or develops symptoms).


If you have scheduled an in-person session:

  • Be prepared for changes, alternating telehealth. This may happen if the clinician is experiencing any symptoms, or other factors which are in place to protect health.
  • Ultra-Violet Air Filters will be added to each office.
  • Windows will be opened to provide fresh air circulation, when practical. This is in addition to outside air circulated through air-conditioning.


Masks are required:

  • If you do not have a face covering, you will not be admitted to the office.
  • CCH does not have face coverings or masks to offer. You will need to arrive with one.


You must be symptom free:

You will need to monitor your health.

If you are demonstrating any of the below symptoms, you may be asked to leave and can have a telehealth session: 

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea


Within the last 14 days, you must not have:

  • Worked in close proximity or spent time with someone who is or becomes Covid-19 positive or symptomatic.
  • Lived or stayed with someone who is currently Covid-19 positive or symptomatic.

You must not be quarantining:

  • If for any reason you feel you need to quarantine, inform your clinician and engage in telehealth during this time.

Engage with symptom checks at the office by clinicians:

  • Clinicians will take temperatures with a non-contact thermometer.
  • Ask you about your health in the last 14 days.
  • All information will be protected under HIPPA confidentiality of rules.

Notify and be notified of positive Covid-19 tests or appearance of symptoms

  • If you test positive or develop symptoms, you will need to notify your clinician.
  • If any person tests positive for Covid-19, everyone who has been in the office within the past 14 days, will be notified. The identity of the person will not revealed, due to confidentiality.
  • The health department will also be contacted.


Washing hands or hand sanitizer

  • You will need to wash your hands, thoroughly, or use hand sanitizer, before starting the session.

Cold Weather Update to Coronavirus Policy

As the cold weather becomes more frequent and more intense, as a matter of health and safety, the lobby will again be open for those waiting for their sessions to begin or for their transportation to arrive. To maximize safety, please schedule your arrival and departure as close to your session time as possible. Additionally, complimentary hot beverages will again be offered in the office.

Mask use is still required while at CCH, and temperature checks will continue as well. As always, please let your therapist know if you are experiencing any possible COVID symptoms to discuss arrangements for remote sessions.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your therapist for any clarifications or details.